Le role charniere de l'union de l'europe occidentale entre l'union europeenne et l'organisation du traite de l'atlantique nord aspects juridiques de la securite et de la defense europeenne
Paris 11Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
After its reactivation in 1984, the western european union (weu), as the only european organization in security and defence, was assigned the role of link between the european union (ue) and the north atlantic treaty organization (nato), the aim being to build a powerful and credible political edifice. This thesis attempts to state and clear up the legal intricacies of its construction which, after the intergovermental conferences of maastricht and amsterdam, promise to be a long and exacting task. In maastricht, the europeans devised a temporary solution to have new states take part in the security and defence of the post-cold war and variable geometry europe. This shows in particular in the increase in the number of statutes within the weu, at parliamentary level and as far as cooperation in the field of armaments is concerned. Besides, the treaty on the european union has turned the weu into the armed arm of the eu as well as into an instrument of reinforcement of nato's european pillar. The pivotal role entrusted to the weu was enhanced in amsterdam by a number of instrumental reforms, yet their analysis tend to reveal that, once again, there is no real political will to create a true common foreign and security policy (cfsp) likely to lead progressively to a european defence policy, and, in the long term, to a common defence. To end with, through the decision made by nato in berlin in june 1996 to develop the european security and defence identity (esdi), the future prospects of the triangle formed by the weu, the eu and nato are also evoked in this study.
Abstract FR:
Apres sa reactivation en 1984, l'union de l'europe occidentale (ueo), organisation de securite et de defense europeenne, s'est vue assigner le role de trait d'union entre l'union europeenne (ue) et l'organisation du traite de l'atlantique nord (otan), l'ensemble devant constituer un edifice politique puissant et credible. Cette these s'efforce d'exposer et d'eclaircir les arcanes juridiques de sa construction qui, au terme des conferences intergouvernementales de maastricht puis d'amsterdam, promet d'etre de longue haleine. A maastricht, les europeens ont imagine une solution provisoire pour faire participer de nouveaux etats a la securite et la defense europeennes dans l'europe a geometrie variable de l'apres guerre-froide. Ceci se reflete particulierement dans la multiplication des statuts au sein de l'ueo, dans le domaine parlementaire et au niveau de la cooperation en matiere d'armement. En outre, le traite sur l'union europeenne faisait de l'ueo le bras arme de l'ue et un instrument de renforcement du pilier europeen de l'otan. Ce role charniere a ete renforce a amsterdam par des reformes instrumentales qui peuvent neanmoins laisser supposer l'absence de reelle volonte politiques de la part des europeens de creer une veritable politique etrangere de securite commune (pesc) susceptible de conduire progressivement a une politique europeenne de defense, et, a long terme, a une defense commune. Enfin, a travers le prisme de la decision de l'otan prise a berlin en juin 1996 de creer l'identite europeenne de securite et de defense, se trouve evoquees les perspectives d'avenir du triangle ue-ueo-otan.