L'application effective du droit communautaire en droit interne : analyse comparative des problèmes rencontrés en droit français, anglais et allemand
Paris 2Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The effective application of community law in the internal laws of the member states is determined mostly by the conditions of its reception and its sanction by the national laws. The community judges, followed by the french, english and german judges have set out and applied the principles of supremacy and direct effect, which are necessary to the reception of community law in the internal legal orders. Now that the french conseil d'etat and the highest german financial court are no longer reluctant to the introduction of community law into the legal systems, community law is, on the whole, received in the member states studied. On the other hand, the community rules about the national power of sanction are constantly changing. Minimal rules have been set out by the european court of justice, which used to rely only on the general principles of law. These rules are being reinforced by the court and by the council as well. All these decisions are meant to ensure that the violations of community law are santionned in a uniform way throughout the community. They also help to strenghen the protection of individual rights.
Abstract FR:
L'application effective du droit communautaire dans l'ordre interne depend essentiellement des conditions de sa reception et de sa sanction par les droits nationaux. Les juges communautaires, relayes par les juges francais, anglais et allemands ont mis en oeuvre les principes de primaute et d'effet direct qui conditionnent la reception des normes communautaires par les ordres juridiques internes. Apres que la plupart des reticences du conseil d'etat francais et de la haute juridiction financiere allemande ont ete levees, on peut constater que le droit communautaire est generalement recu dans les trois etats etudies. En revanche, l'encadrement communautaire du pouvoir national de sanction est en pleine evolution. Les prescriptions minimales fixees par le juge communautaire en reference aux principes generaux du droit sont progressivement renforcees tant par la jurisprudence que par le conseil. L'ensemble de ces prescriptions tend a assurer une sanction uniforme des violations du droit communautaire. Il contribue aussi a ameliorer la garantie des droits des particuliers.