La notion de détachabilité en droit administratif français
Paris 2Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The notion of detachability and its pratical enforcement, the technique of the detachable act, are functional concepts. Their functions are double. First of all, they allow to determine the juridictional competence, either of the administrative judge or the judicial judge. Thus, concerning the juridictional immunity of the operations of the government (which consist of the acts of the government), they are of use to delimit much better the notion of government function in respect either of the state of law or reason of state, by substracting such operations some juridical ou material acts, owing to their characterisc of act of international law which merely control questions of international law. All in all, the detachable act of government operations is in essence, "a measure aimed at the international order";. They are also to isolate the operations which are the concern of the judicial juridictional competence, in accordance with law or case law, from the juridical or material acts, because of their juridical administrative nature, or even, for some of thope intrinsically administrative acts, such as those concerning judicial fiscal or custom operations according to the foreign character of their aim compared of the one of the operations on the occasions of the fulfilment of which they have been taken. At last, on rarer but not less important occasions, they illustrate a particular hypothesis of the determination of the judicial juridictional competence through the notion of personal fault detachable from the practice of the function of the public agent. However the latter, in so far as nowadays it allows more to join a part or the totality of the charge of the redressing compensation for the own patrimony of the public agent, tends to change not only its meaning but also its function. Then, they have another main function which consists in delimiting the sphere of activity of the resort for excess of power. So, they are useful to break up complex administrative procedures, operations of total dispute, judicial administrative acts so as to submit them to the judge of excess of power. And so because in the first case (complex administratives procedures), the detachable act is constitutive of a decision which may be held against and in the second case (complex operations of total dispute) such an act can be analysed as the act which foils the achievemen
Abstract FR:
La notion de detachabilite et son application pratique, la technique de l'acte detachable, sont des concepts fonctionnels. Leur fonction est double. Tout d'abord elles permettent de determiner la comppetence juridictionnelle, tantot du juge administratif, tantot du juge judiciaire. Ainsi, vis-a-vis de l'immunite juridictionnelle dont beneficient les operations gouvernementales ( composees des acte de gouvernement), elles servent a mieux circonscrire la notion meme de fonction gouvernementale dans le respect tant de l'etat de droit que de la raison d'etat, en distrayant de telles operations certains actes juridiques ou materiels, a raison de leur caractere d'acte de droit interne ne soulevant, quant a leur controle, que des questions de droit interne. En somme, l'acte detachable des operations gouvernementales est par essence "une mesure tournee vers l'ordre interne". De meme, elles ont aussi pour role d'isoler d'operations relevant de la competence juridictionnelle judiciaire, en vertu de la loi ou de la jurisprudence, des actes juridiques ou materiels, du fait de leur nature juridique administrative, voire pour certains de ces actes intrinsequement administratifs, tels que ceux relatifs aux operation judiciaires fiscales ou douanieres, en fonction du caractere etranger de leur objet par rapport a celui des operations a l'occasion de l'execution desquelles ils ont ete pris. Enfin, de facon plus rare, mais non moins importante, elles illustrent une hypothese particuliere de determination de la competence juridictionnelle, judiciaire a travers la notion de faute personnelle detachable de l'exercice de la fonction de l'agent public. Toutefois cette derniere, dans la mesure ou elle permet plus, aujourd'hui a imputer une partie ou la totalite de la charge de l'indemnite reparatrice sur le patrimoine propre de l'agent public, a tendance a changer non seulement de sens, mais aussi de fonction. Ensuite, elles ont une seconde fonction principale qui consiste a delimiter le champ d'aplication du recours pour exces de pouvoir. Ainsi, elles sont utiles pour dissocier, de procedures administratives, ou, d'operations de plein contentieux, complexes, des actes administratifs juridiques, afin de les soumettre au juge de l'exces de pouvoir. Et ce, parce que, dans le premier cas (celui des procedures administratives complexes), l'acte detachable est constitutif d'une decisio