
Les accords de commerce sud-sud

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1995



Paris 5




Abstract EN:

Do the south-south trade treaties establish an international trade law inherent to the third wold or no?. After analysis of the concerned conventions, we have noticed that the south hasn't succeed yet to elaborate its own law, as it was required in the previous decades. The south has adhered to the rules of the multilateral trade system and has strengthened them. However, it makes a considerable effort in order to adapt these rules to its economic position. Thus, specific rules have appeared, but which only affect marginal and no fundamental subjects.

Abstract FR:

Les accords de commerce sud-sud etablissent-ils ou non un droit commercial international propre au tiers-monde? apres l'analyse des conventions concernees, nous avons constate que le sud n'a pas encore reussi a elaborer son propre droit comme l'a tellement exige durant des decennies precedentes. Il a adhere et affermi les regles du systeme commercial multilateral. Toutefois, le sud fait un considerable effort d'adaptation de ces normes a sa situation economique. Ainsi, des regles specifiques sont apparues, mais elles affectent seulement des sujets secondaires et non fondamentaux.