
Le Canal de Suez dans les relations internationales

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1988





Abstract EN:

The problematic question conserning suez canal, considered a subject of international relations which this study tryed to answer was formulated as following : did the suez canal conserved its strategic importance in the eyes of great states, like britain, soviet union and united states ? as a result of our study, the conclusion is the following assertion : inspite of considerable weight of these great states, the fantastic avanced technology arms industry, included nuclear, the concurence of other marine passages and finaly inspite of more avanced marine transports industry, the suez canal still conserving a great strategic importance.

Abstract FR:

La question est de savoir si le canal de suez, en depit des progres technologiques dans le domaine des armements, et des transports maritimes, et malgres la concurrence des autres voies de communication, a pu conserver son importance strategique pour les grandes puissances ? la reponse est positive : de par sa propre importance en tant que axe de communication, de par son voisinnage aux regions petroliferes du golfe la voie egyptienne garde un interet constant dans les calculs strategiques des differents pays : la grande bretagne, l'union sovietique, les etats unis et meme israel.