Le commerce des produits manufactures en droit international du developpement
Paris 5Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The international community has acknowledged the need for a normative and operational action in order to promate the actual participation of developing countries to the international trade of manufactured goods. Such action is among the essential preoccupations of the international law of development, as the main characteristic of this law is to grand the third-world countries a preferential and more favorable treatment. As to the trade of manufactured goods coming from developing contries, this special juridical polity, has had several applications ath universal and regional levels. However it must be noted that under the pressure of the economic crisis, the industrialized countries are more and more reluctant to grand juridical advantages to developing countries. Advantages to developing countries. This tendency is visible notably in the growing resort to the evolutive clause on the part of the industrialized countries.
Abstract FR:
La communaute internationale a reconnu la necessite d'une action normative et operationnelle pour favoriser la participation effective des p. E. D. Aux echanges internationaux de produits manufactures et semi-finis. Cette action s'inscrit dans les preoccupations centrales du droit international du developpement, etant donne que la principale caracteristique de ce droit est d'octroyer un traitement preferentiel et plus favorable aux pays du tiers monde. En ce qui concerne le commerce des produits manufactures en provenance des p. E. D. , ce regime juridique special a connu plusieurs applications, aux niveaux universel et regional. On constate cependant que sous la pression de la crise economique, les pays industrialises sont de plus en plus reticents pour accorder des avantages juridiques aux p. E. D. Cette evolution se manifeste en particulier par le recours de plus en plus frequent des pays industrialises a "la clause" evolutive.