
L'école, l'État et la société civile en France depuis le XVIe siècle

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1989



Paris 2


Abstract EN:

The relationship between school, state and civil society in france as from the 16th century may be divided into three periods. From the 16th century until the beginning of the "monarchie de juillet", the state and the civil society act jointly and without distinction on all schools. Schooling activity is organized by the state. It is financed and managed by the civil society. Two types of school coexist, one of which already has some features of a bureaucratic system. From the "monarchie de juillet" until the beginning of the 5th republic, the action of the state and that of the civil society are led in parallel: schooling activity is divided between the state and the civil society. Most of elementary schools, financed and managed by the state, develop bureaucratic characteristics. The civil society which has been eliminated from the state-run schools, acquires a margin of autonomy, set by the state, which enables it to create privately financed and privately managed schools. As from the beginning of the 5th republic, the action of the state extends on private schools which consequently loose a large measure of their specificity. Simultaneously, the exclusive management of the state-run schools by the state and their bureaucratic organisation are strongly contested : there are heavy pressures towards a reappropriation of the state-run schools by the civil society

Abstract FR:

Dans l'etude des relations entre l'ecole, l'etat et la societe civile en france depuis le xvie siecle, trois periodes peuvent etre distinguees. Du xvie siecle jusqu'au debut de la monarchie de juillet, l'action de l'etat et celle de la societe civile s'exercent conjointement et indistinctement sur l' ensemble des ecoles. L'activite scolaire est encadree par l'etat. La societe civile la finance et la gere, produisant deux types d'ecole dont l'une presente deja des caracteres bureaucratiques. Entre la monarchie de juillet et le debut de la ve republique, l'action de l'etat et celle de la societe civile s'exercent parallelement: l'activite scolaire est partagee entre l'etat et la societe civile. L'ecole publique, financee et geree par l'etat, acquiert des caracteres bureaucratiques. La societe civile largement evincee de cette ecole, dispose d'une marge d'autonomie determinee par l'etat dans laquelle elle peut creer des ecoles privees financees et gerees par ses soins. A partir du debut de la ve republique, on assiste a une extension de l'action etatique sur l'ecole privee qui, dans une large mesure, perd sa specificite. Simultanement, la gestion exclusivement etatique de l'ecole publique ainsi que son caractere bureaucratique sont fortement contestes et une pression s'exerce dans le sens d'une reappropriation de l'ecole publique par la societe civile.