
Regionalisation et decentralisation au maroc

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1993



Paris 5


Abstract EN:

This thesis is divided in two parts. In the first part, i have examined, firstly administration's forms of local affairs during precolonial and colonial period and actuel decentralization's level. Secondly, i have studied the question regarding to regional imbalances, treating successively their causes and consequences and fruitless attempts by state to reduce them, in the second part, i have analysed the question of reforms necessary to be engaged in the local and regional level in order to acced to harmonious institutions. Concerning the question of political reforms, i have suggested some propositions for renforcing sub-regional communities and activation of political and economic participation in the regional level. Regarding administrative and human reforms, i have studied the powers which should be tansfered to the regions, the questions of human and material possibilities attributed to the region and finally the cooperation needed to be established between the whole actors capable of facilitating territorial development.

Abstract FR:

Cette these se compose de deux parties. Dans la premiere partie, j'ai examine dans un premier temps les modalites de gestion des affaires locales dans la periode precoloniale et coloniale et le niveau de decentralisation actuelle. Dans un deuxieme temps, j'ai traite la question des desequilibres regionaux en abordant successivement leurs causes et leurs consequenceset les tentatives infructueuses de l'etat pour les reduire. Dans la deuxieme partie, j'ai analyse la question des reformes a engager aux niveaux local et regional dans le but d'avoir des institutions harmonieuses. Dans le cadre de l'etude des reformes politiques, j'ai avance des propositions pour le renforcement des collectivites infra-regionales et l'activation de la participation politique et economique au niveau regional. Concernant les reformes administratives et humaines, j'ai etudie les competences devant etre transferees aux regions, la question des moyens humains et materiels accordes a la region et enfin la cooperation devant etre etablie entre l'ensemble des acteurs pouvant concourir au developpement territorial.