La coopération économique et financière arabo-africaine : réalités et perspectives
Toulouse 1Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
This study deals with arabo-african economic co-operation within the framework of two regional organisations : the o. A. U. , and the arab league. According to the cairo charta (1977), this co-operation was to embrace all the activities in economic and financial matters. Futhermore, for ideological as much as for political reasons, this co-operation has been crossed by several types of thiking. Thus third-world and panislamic stances have seen themselves "on terms with the specifically regional co-operation (arabo-african). As well, for political, say geopolitical reasons (the middle east, regional conflicts), this co-operation has been confronted with diverse obstacles since its origins. The first part of this work presents an account of a decade of financial co-operation (1973-1984). It has been perceived through the various shapes it took on ; namely, for multi-lateral co-operation (first title) : -the specifically arabo-african framework -the third world framework -the islamic framework. As well as this, a second title has been devoted to bi-lateral co-operation. Revolving around economic transfers this co-operation has brought forward the gulf's principal money-raisers. Be this as it may, because of the importance of the historical, cultural and political relations between the arab and the subsahara african worlds, and of the similarities between their socio-economic structures, a preliminary chapter has been devoted to these questions. The seond par analyses the perspectives of this cooperation. The first title has been devoted to the obstacles. In another way, and this is the obojectif of title ii, the arabo-african co-operation sets it self up within the context of the efforts tending towards the installing of a new international economic order. The amman strategy and the lagos action plan are completely complementary
Abstract FR:
L'etude traite la cooperation economique arabo-africaine dans le cadre des deux organisations regionales : l'o. U. A. Et la ligue arabe. Selon la charte du caire (1977), cette cooperation devait embrasser toutes les activites en matiere economique et financiere. Par ailleurs, pour des raisons tant ideologiques que politiques, cette cooperation a ete traversee par plusieurs courants de pensee. Ainsi, le tiers-mondisme et le panislamisme se sont vus "cotoyer" la cooperation specifiquement regionale (arabo-africaine). En plus, pour des raisons politiques, voire geopolitiques (proche-orient, conflits regionaux), cette cooperation s'est confrontee, des sa genese, a divers obstacles. La premiere partie de ce travail presente le bilan d'une decennie de cooperation financiere (1973-1984). Elle est percue a travers les formes qu'elle a revetues a savoir, pour la cooperation multilaterale (titre i) : -le cadre specifiquement arabo-africain -le cadre tiers-mondiste -et le cadre islamique. En outre, un second titre est consacre a la cooperation bilaterale. Axee sur les transferts financiers, cette cooperation a mis en avant les principaux bailleurs de fonds du golfe. Toutefois, en raison de l'importance des relations historiques, culturelles et politiques entre le monde arabe et l'afrique subsaharienne, et de la similitude de leurs structures socio-economiques, un chapitre preliminaire a ete consacre a ces questions. La seconde partie analyse les perspectives de cette cooperation. Le premier titre est consacre aux obstacles. Par ailleurs, et c'est la l'objet du titre ii, la cooperation arabo-africaine s'inscrit dans le cadre des efforts tendant a l'instamation du nouvel ordre economique international. La strategie d'amman et le plan d'action de lagos sont entierement complementaires.