
La Cour suprême dans le système politique brésilien

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1993



Paris 2



Abstract EN:

The federal supreme court is an essential organ in the brazilian political system. It was created in the late 19th century, in the initial phase of the republic, and since then as performed a fundamental role in the consolidation of the regime. As an independent organ it counts with effective legal proceedings such as the judicial review and the writ of mandamus. The action of the organ contributes decisively to the balanced functionning of the political system, preventing the absolute predominance of the president of the republic and compensating for eventual shortcomings of the national congress.

Abstract FR:

La cour supreme federale constitue un organe essentiel du systeme politique bresilien. Instituee au commencement du fonctionnement de la republique, a la fin du siecle dernier, cet organe a joue un role fondamental dans la consolidation de ce regime. Independante et dotee de moyens d'action fort efficaces comme le controle de constitutionnalite des lois et le recours de "mandado de seguranca", son action juridictionnelle contribue de maniere decisive a l'equilibre du systeme politique, dans la mesure ou elle represente un contrepoids a la preeminence du president de la republique, en plus de suppleer aux faiblesses institutionnelles du congres national.