L'executif dualiste dans les etats d'afrique noire francophone etude de la problematique du partage du pouvoir executif
Clermont-Ferrand 1Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
In francophone black african states , the primacy of the executive power is establish. There is a question the comes up regarding dualistic or two- headed executive, that is, shared between a president and a prime minister. Is such an executive an inevitable way to a dyarchy ? is one of the two components of governement apparatus bonnd to utterly dependant on the other ? in modem political regimes a two-headed executive is considered as a basic feature of the parliamentary system. However, in francophone black african states, this mode of government has been experienced not only in regimes defined as parliamentary, but in regimes openly presidential as well. Nevertheless, from the independences to the democratic wave of the 90's, any form of political regime experimented has ever led to fair division of the executive power. Either the regime failed to be a parliamentary one and the dualistic executive became a dyarchy, or it became presidentialistic with an executive in which the prime minister was being under command of president. Or eventually, the regime was controlled by an assembly turning the president into an + accessory ; and the prime minister subjected to the supervision of the assembly. In view of these cases our purpose is to suggest a new form of dualistic executive matching african realities. A form whose success neccesarily depends on the the adoption of highly decentralised pplitical regimes giving great importance to regional executives, compelled to have freaker awareness of the people's expectations. These regional executives will be given actual power to initiate local policies in response to the population's ordinary neeeds. Conflicts of competences between the president and the prime minister, common at the head of centralised state of the jacobin kind for instance, would be avoided. The entire population would be involved in the exercice of power in order to let none of it part feel estranged from it and get into identity claims in reaction. A central executive will remain in our new dualism but with a main feature : as with the head of state whose prerogative would be redifined, the prime minister would play an actual and important role. The prime minister would be henceforth in charge of the executive power, engaging his responsability in his decisions as opposed to the president protected by presidential irresponsability. With this
Abstract FR:
Dans les etats d'afrique noire francophone, le primat du pouvoir executif est consacre sur tous les autres pouvoirs. Ce pouvoir, lorsqu'il est dualiste c'est - a - dire partage entre un president de la republique et un premier ministre doit-il se transformer en dyarchie ou en subordination d'un des organes par rapport a l'autre ? dans les regimes politiques modernes, l'executif dualiste est un des traits du regime parlementaire. En afrique noire francophone, il sera experimente dans des regimes qui se voulaient parlementaires, mais aussi dans d'autres qui se sont voulus presidentiels. Mais des independances a la democratisation des annees 90, les regimes politiques retenus n'ont jamais abouti a un partage reussi du pouvoir executif. Soit le regime politique a ete un regime parlementaire imparfait et le dualisme de l'executif une dyarchie, soit le regime politique a ete un presidentialisme et le premier ministre un executant aux ordres du chef de l'etat. Soit enfin le regime politique a ete un regime d'assemblee ou le chef de l'etat etait relegue au rang + d'accessoire ; et le premier ministre place sous la tutelle de l'assemblee. Du fait de ces situations, il est interessant de proposer un nouveau dualisme de l'executif adapte aux realites africaines et dont la reussite passe par l'adoption de regimes politiques decentralises accordant une large place a des executifs regionaux plus proches des populations. Des executifs regionaux dotes de pouvoirs reels nous semblent etre la solution pour eviter les querelles entre chefs de l'etat et premier ministre au sommet d'un etat centralise de type jacobin. C'est aussi la solution pour eviter les revendications identitaires de populations exclus de l'exercice du pouvoir. Dans ce dualisme nouveau, au sein de l'executif central le premier ministre sera en charge de la realite du pouvoir, car, sa responsabilite peut etre engagee, contrairement au chef de l'etat qui peut se cacher derriere l'irresponsabilite presidentielle. En confiant le premier role au premier ministre, nous adherons a l'idee que l'exercice d'un pouvoir reel implique la responsabilite.