Le contrôle de l'administration Libanaise : recherche sur l'optimisation administrative du système de contrôle
Rennes 1Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
This research seeks to shed the light to a for extent on the concept of the public sector audit activity on the different types and shapes of the Lebanese public service in addition to the various Lebanese audit bodies with their structures, roles and challenges whether political or administrative. It will also refer to the administrative and legal procedure these bodies do follow to enhance the quality of the work in the public sector and the performance of the public servants by establishing clear and binding bases for the supervisory duties that may take place either before or after the ongoing work. The ultimate goal for all of this is maintaining the public good for the sake of the citizen in particular and the country in general by supervising the administrative performance of the governmental institutions to come out with the best of works and services. Furthermore, the research also displays details related to the audit bodies found in the Lebanese administration i.e. Civil Service Board, The Central Inspection, The Court of Audit, and The Supreme Commission of Discipline to reveal them as institutions with clear audit tasks. These control bodies hold their legal and administrative framework in addition to their duties, roles and different audit activities. The research also studies the current state of the Lebanese public administration and the problems it poses. It also suggests solutions to create radical changes like being up to date as well as technologically developed whether via local or international studies especially in the light of the French law. Considering that the French law is the bedrock of many of the Lebanese laws, we may benefit from its points of strength in addition to the efficacy of the French audit bodies including the AAI.
Abstract FR:
Nous avons tenté, dans cette recherche, d'expliquer, autant que possible, le sens du contrôle dans la fonction publique libanaise ainsi que ses genres et ses formes. C’est pourquoi nous avons étudié les organes du contrôle, leur structure, leurs rôles et les obstacles politiques ou administratifs qu’ils rencontrent et ceci dans les contextes administratif et juridique et nous nous sommes efforcés d'expliquer le fonctionnement actuel des organes du contrôle administratif dans les administrations libanaises, à savoir : le Conseil de la fonction publique, la Cour des Comptes, l'Inspection centrale, la Haute Commission disciplinaire (Conseil de Discipline). Notre but était de proposer des solutions pour améliorer la performance de la fonction publique ainsi que celle de ses employés et pour obtenir des changements radicaux et conformes à l'actualité après l'essor de l'informatique et ceci en nous basant sur des études internationales et locales mais aussi sur la loi française pour bénéficier de ses points forts et de l'efficacité des organes du contrôle en France, y compris l'AAI (Autorités administratives indépendantes).