Le tiers à l'acte juridique
Bordeaux 4Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The nature of the third party should be evaluated at closure, as well as during the execution of a contract. As it stands regarding the execution phase, the third party is defined as any individual likely to react to the situation previously established by the contract. The exact nature of the third party's role needs to be re-evaluated with a view to attributing legal status. It must be noted that certain individuals designated as third parties can be deprived of their right to take action, either because of their lack of good faith, or because of stipulations that take precedence in terms of legal policy.
Abstract FR:
La qualite de tiers doit s'apprecier tant lors de la phase de conclusion que lors de la phase d'execution de l'acte juridique. Lors de l'execution, est tiers celui qui manifeste un interet a reagir contre la situation generee par l'acte juridique. La qualite de tiers doit etre reconstruite afin de lui attribuer un statut. Pour autant, le droit objectif n'abandonne pas la qualification de tiers ; il prive certains tiers pourtant interesses de leur droit de reaction en raison de leur mentalite ou en raison d'imperatifs superieurs de la politique juridique.