
Aspects du droit des relations collectives de travail en droit libanais

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1998



Aix-Marseille 3


Abstract EN:

At a time when the lebanese employment and labor code might be reformed, we observe that a system governing collective bargaining, unionization and concerted activities, which comes in addition to the traditional individual employment relationship centered on the employment contract, has progressively emerged in lebanon. However, the law on unionization is still confined to the recognition of union freedom and the right to strike is neither well recognized nor protected by the constitution. Moreover, even if signing a collective bargaining agreement has been possible since the enactment of a 1964 statute, such agreements are still rare, even though collective bargaining would constitute a true improvement for the employee social security system. Nevertheless, a unique grievance procedure enables the diverging interests to be reconciled when a conflict occurs between employer and employee

Abstract FR:

A l'heure d'une eventuelle reforme du code du travail libanais, on constate qu'un systeme de relations collectives de travail s'est progressivement mis en place au liban, qui s'ajoute au systeme traditionnel des relations individuelles centrees sur le contrat de travail. Mais le droit syndical se limite encore a la liberte syndicale, le droit de greve n'est pas veritablement reconnu ni garanti par la constitution, les conventions collectives, admises depuis la loi de 1964 sont encore assez rares, alors que la negociation collective permettrait d'ameliorer la protection sociale des salaries. L'original systeme de reglement des conflits collectifs conduit cependant a une conciliation entre les parties