
Réflexions sur la médecine du travail

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1993



Bordeaux 1


Abstract EN:

After situating the origin of occupational medicine in the history of labours laws, the prevent aspect of this institution is contempleted : role of social notion of aptitude to work. In a second part will be approached the present uneasyness of occupational medecine which born in the same time, as it was, is still there fifty years later.

Abstract FR:

Apres avoir situe la naissance de la medecine du travail dans l'historique du droit du travail, est envisage l'aspect actuel de cette institution : role des partenaires sociaux, controle de l'etat, statut et role du medecin du travail, le concept d'aptitude. Dans une deuxieme partie sera aborde le malaise de la medecine du travail, qui ne avec elle, persiste toujours une cinquantaine d'annees plus tard. After situating the origins of occupational medicine in the history of labours laws, the present aspect of this institution is contempleted : role of social partners, control by the state, staute and role of occupational doctors, the notion of aptitude to work. In a second part will be approached the present uneasyness of occupational medicine which, born in the same time as it was, is still there fifty years later.