Les marques vinicoles
Bordeaux 1Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The wine brands of which specific feature lies in the absolute obligation to respect the authenticity of their objects through the loyalty of theirs presentations, signalize themselves, in the first place, by the duality of their expression. So agricultural wine brand and commercial wine brand belong to distinct definitions and appropriations. Why, in spite of the variety of their origins, the wine brands are characterized in second place by the unity of their protection. National protection, relying on a preventive and defensive action. But international protection too, dependent on a territorial overstepping andon a material one.
Abstract FR:
Les marques vinicoles,dont la specificite residedans l obligation absolue de respecter l authenticite de leurs objets a travers la loyaute de leurs presentations, se caracterisent en premier lieu par la dualite de leur expression. Marque de vin "agricole" et marque de vin "commerciale" relevent ainsi de definitions et de modes d appropriations distincts. Mais en depit de la variete de leurs origines, les marques vinicoles se caracterisent en second leu par l unite de leur protection. Protection nationale, reposent sur une action prventive etdefensive. Mais aussi protectioninternationale dependante d un depassement territorial et d un depassement categoriel.