Le problème de la qualification et ses applications dans les systèmes juridiques, français, anglais et égyptien
Paris 2Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
Indeed, concerning the remarriage of a widowed or divorced woman, the muslim countries apply the so-called system of "three menstruations", which corresponds to a period of more or less 130 days. This delay constitutes in itself a category of connection according to the egyptian law. On the contrary, the rule of the 300 days given by the article 228 of the french code civil belongs to the category of the "procedure", which leads to the application of the french law for the second marriage - for example, in the case of repudiation and in the case of the woman who becomes a widow. It would be easier for the french legislator and, so it appears, for the english legislator, to adopt a delay of viduity as short as possible, as this would allow the woman who remains alone and who is deprived of protection the possibility to found quickly a new conjugal house.
Abstract FR:
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