
La vérification et l'admission des créances dans la loi n° 85-98 du 25 janvier 1985

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1989



Paris 1



Abstract EN:

The law no 85-98 of january 25th, 1985 relating to the redressing and winding up businesses has modified the rules of au diting and acceptance of claims. The thesis examines the role of the organs of the procedure (the representative of the creditors, the official receiver, the judge setting in bankruptcy cases, etc. . . ); it describes the operations of auditing in judicial redressing as well as in winding up; it then goes on to study the litigation that has come out the auditing or acceptance of claims : - contesting of claims by the creditors' representative - claims declared beyond deadline - recourse against the decisions of the judge setting in bankryptcy cases the thesis concludes with some legislative modification proposals.

Abstract FR:

La loi no 85-98 du 25 janvier 1985 relative au redressement et a la liquidation judiciaires des entreprises a modifie le s regles de verification et d'admission des creances. La these examine le role des organes de la procedure (le representant des creanciers, l'administrateur judiciaire, le ju ge commissaire, etc. . . ); elle decrit les operations de verification tant en redressement judiciaire qu'en liquidation ju diciaire; dans un deuxieme temps est etudie le contentieux ne de la verification ou de l'admission : - contestation des creances par le representant des creanciers, - creances declarees hors delais, - recours contre les decisions du juge commissaire. La these aboutit a des propositions de modifications legislatives.