
Le droit des travaux publics dans la généralité d'Amiens au XVIIIe siècle

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1997



Paris 2


Abstract EN:

Althougt the law on public works was not perfectly set in the xviiith centhury, the main principles were already in place. Are considered as public works any building, repairs or maintenance works required and undertaken by a public person or an individual with an eye to public utility. The forms of execution of public works were identified. The proceedings of putting up for tender were organized. They hinged on a preliminary technical file. The collection of tenders did not fall under the usual rules of law. The "marche par economie" or "regie" - ie the works carried out by the local authority itself - gave this local authority a free hand to organize the works. The mayor and amdermen recruist workers, provide the tools and materials and keep a close eye on the progresse of the works. The conclusion of mutual agreements stricto sensu was very flexible. Voluntary tenders, bids ans private negociated deals enabled the town officials to freely define the object, the price and the conditions of performance of public works. Last, through the award of public works, the king's council trusted individuals with the setting up and the exploitation of a sig undertaking of public works. The proceeding had many consequences such as breaches of property law. However, these were not arbitrary, since the landowners received a fair compensation for the wrong they suffered. The absence of preliminary indemnity was due to the financial problems of towns which were indested. Public works were an important budget heading as soon as the works had been carried out, the administration had to fulfille its financial obligations. It had to deliver the amount due to the building contractor. Notwithstanding the period of warranty which then wasn't very binding on building professionals, the proceedings of public works then reached their term.

Abstract FR:

Si le droit des travaux publics n'est pas parfaitement cristallise au xviiieme siecle les grands principes sont deja poses. Est un travail public toute operation de construction, de reparation et d'entretien requise et mise en oeuvre par une personne publique, ou par une personne privee, dans un but d'utilite publique. Les modes d'execution des ouvrages publics sont identifies. La procedure d'adjudication est organisee. Elle s'articule autour d'un dossier technique preliminaire. La reception des rabais est exorbitante du droit commun. Le marche par economie, ou regie, laisse une entiere liberte a l'administration locale de diriger les travaux. Les maire et echevins embauchent des ouvriers, fournissent des outils et des materiaux et surveillent etroitement l'execution des travaux. La conclusion de marches de gre a gre stricto sensu est tres souple. Les soumissions volontaires, les offres de concours et les marches negocies permettent aux officiers municipaux de definir librement l'objet, le prix et les conditions d'execution des travaux publics. Enfin, par la concession de travaux publics, le conseil du roi confie aux personnes privees l'elaboration et l'exploitation d'une vaste entreprise de travaux publics. L'ensemble de ces procedures emporte des consequences. Des atteintes au droit de la propriete sont constatees. Elles ne sont toutefois pas arbitraires. Les proprietaires sont justement indeminises des prejudices subis. L'absence d'indemnite prealable tient aux problemes des finances urbaines. Les villes sont endettees. Les travaux publics constituent un poste de depense fort important. Des la reception des travaux, l'administration est obligee de s'acquitter de son obligation pecuniaire. Elle doit liberer les sommes promises a l'entrepreneur. Nonobstant le delai de garantie qui oblige encore quelque peu le professionnel du batiment, le droit des travaux publics arrive desormais a son terme.