Le chef d'entreprise
Lille 2Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The chief executive (chef d'entreprise) is generally defined as the holder of power, or powers, within the undertaking. He is assimilated to the company director, the employer, the entrepreneur, the manager etc. As a consequence, he may be held to be liable in the widest sense. He may be held to be liable for any manifestation of his power which may encroach upn the rights respectively of those within his undertaking (shareholders, partners, employees), but also those of one of his external interlocutors (customers, suppliers, competitors). Furthermore, the regime relating to his tax and social situation is based upon that of the holders of the power or powers to which he is assimilated. It seemed necessary to us to determine a single legal and autonomous concept of the chief executive in order to evaluate his status and liability in a different manner. He has vested in him the power to run a business, the material or potential exercise of which may at any time affect, directly, immediately and in a simultaneous manner (. . . )
Abstract FR:
Le chef d'entreprise est generalement defini comme le detenteur d'un ou de plusieurs pouvoirs dans l'entreprise. Il est assimile au dirigeant social, a l'employeur, a l'entrepreneur, au manager etc. En consequence, se responsabilite est retenue de maniere etendue. Elle sanctionne toute manifestation d'un pouvoir qui lese respectivement les interets de l'un des membres internes de l'entreprise (associes, salaries) mais aussi de l'un de ses partenaires externes (clients, fournisseurs, concurrents). De meme, le regime de son statut fiscal et social est emprunte a celui du titulaire d'un ou de plusieurs pouvoirs auquel il est assimile. Il nous est apparu necessaire de cerner un concept juridique unique et autonome de chef d'entreprise afin d'apprecier autrement son regime statutaire et de responsabilite. Il est investi d'un pouvoir d'entreprise dont l'exercice materiel ou virtuel peut atteindre a tout moment, directement, immediatement et de maniere simultanee les interets des membres internes et partenaires externes de l'entreprise.