Le contrat de commande en droit d'auteur français
Paris 2Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
Artistic or creative work carried out "on order" is quite a paradox : artists and authors need a certain amount of freedom to create a work, yet at the same time may be bound by a contract which more or less restricts that freedom. Although a contract may restrain the artist's freedom, it may also end up stimulating the creative process. As an expression of the parties agreement, how can the french contrat de commande be classified? although the specific nature of this contract must be taken into account, a sui generis definition need not be retained. Indeed, the french rules governing the category of "contracts for work" (contrat d'entreprise) are flexible and broad enough for work ordered through a contrat de commande to be easily classified here, without such contract losing any of its original features. As contracts of this type can fall into the category of contrat d'entreprise, rules in this category of contract will apply, such as those applicable to setting prices and the unilateral right to terminate the agreement in favor of the party who ordered the work. Due to the very object of work ordered under a contrat de commande and due to the fact that in most cases, one of the parties is acting in the capacity of an author or is engaging in creative work, rules protecting literary and artistic property rights must also be examined, as they may conflict with rules applicable under french law of contract. These protective provisions include rules whereby an artist cannot be bound by contract to sell all of his or her future works, artists have the right to release their work (wich allows them to refuse to deliver a work they are not satisfied with), as well as rules which help artists and authors seriously consider the extent to which they plan to sell or transfer their property rights. However, artists and authors can be overprotected which is damaging to them. Therefore, when the work ordered is to be used or exploited and the law does not contain specific provisions to this end, it appears more useful to attempt to strike a balance between the parties interests.
Abstract FR:
L'activite creatrice exercee sur commande revet les caracteres du paradoxe : l'auteur, en meme temps qu'il a besoin de liberte pour realiser son oeuvre, est engage dans les liens d'un contrat qui lui impose des contraintes plus ou moins pressantes, ces dernieres brident sa liberte, mais peuvent, en retour, se reveler stimulantes pour la creation. En tant qu'accord de volontes, le contrat de commande conduit a s'interroger sur sa nature. Il apparait que la specificite de ce contrat, si elle doit etre prise en compte, n'impose pas,toutefois, qu'une qualification sui generis soit retenue. En effet, le regime du contrat d'entreprise est suffisamment souple pour que le contrat de commande trouve sa place dans cette categorie tres ouverte, sans trahir son originalite. Il emprunte alors au contrat d'entreprise les elements de son regime, telles la regle relative a la fixation du prix et la faculte unilaterale de resiliation ouverte au maitre de l'ouvrage. Par son objet et, en raison de la qualite d'auteur que revet, le plus souvent, le commandite, le contrat de commande impose, en outre, l'examen des regles protectrices du droit de la propriete litterature et artistique, qui interferent avec celles du droit des contrats. Parmi ces dispositions protectrices figurent, ainsi, la prohibition des cessions globales d'oeuvres futures, le droit de divulgation, qui permet a l'auteur de refuserlivrer l'oeuvre qui ne le satisfait pas, les regles destinees a inciter l'auteur a la reflexion, lors de la conclusion des cessions qu'il peut etre amene a consentir sur ses droits. Pourtant, a trop vouloir proteger les auteurs, il arrive qu'on leur porte prejudice. C'est pourquoi, notamment lorsque l'oeuvre commandee est appelee a l'exploitation et qu'aucune prerogative expressement reconnue au createur ne s'y oppose, il parait utile de rechercher un equilibre entre les interets de celui-ci et ceux de ses cocontractants.