
La transparence en matiere commerciale

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1995






Abstract EN:

The first part of this study aims at providing the demonstration that a new principle has emerged in the matter of commercial low : transparency. The followed method consists of synthesizing the demonstrations of this concept in several fields (competition, banking, trade markets, companies) to analyse its functions (moralize and give security to business) and bring out its juridical nature. In the second part, proposals are put forward first in order to establish balance with secrecy. If transparency has got to the rank of leanding principale, it's important that condientiality may keep a role, the one of corrective principle ; moreover to resolve the possible difficulties linked to the coexistence of these two antinomical notions, a regulating principle, proportionnality, must come into play. At last the thesis must be composed of suggestions which tend to outline a system of fair transparency, involving the improvement of eguality as regards information, an increased protection of truth, and more quickness concerning the communication of facts.

Abstract FR:

La premiere partie de cette etude vise a apporter la demonstration qu'un nouveau principe a emerge en droit commercial : la transparence. La methode suivie consiste a synthetiser les manifestations du concept dans plusieurs domaines (concurrence, banque, bourse, societes. . . ) pour analyser ses fonctions (moraliser et securiser les affaires) et degager sa nature juridique. Dans la seconde partie, des propositions sont d'abord emises pour etablir un equilibre avec le secret. En effet, si la transpoarence a accede au rang de principe directeur, il importe que la confidentialite puisse conserver un role, celui de principe correcteur ; et pour resourdre les difficultes eventuelles liees a la coexistence de ces deux notions antinomiques, un principe regulateur, la proportionnalite, doit entrer en jeu. La these comporte enfin des suggestions qui tendent a esquisser un regime de transparence raisonnable, impliquant une amelioration de l'egalite face a l'information, une protection accrue de la verite, et plus de rapidite dans la communication des donnees.