La propriete dans la pensee juridique de l'islam individualiste ou socialiste ?
Paris 12Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
This disseration aims to tackle the doctrine of property in islamic thought and law. Guided by the tenets of both western and social doctrines, the study attempts to hammer out the form and substance of the doctrine of property in islam. Having stydied the religious and philosophical basis of the doctrine of property in islam, and having known the distinguishing ideological charateristics of the in islam, and having known the distinguishing ideological characteristics of the investment of wealth in islam, we came to the conclusion that property in islam whether it is individual or public follows the general rules of the islamic doctrine of succession ( istikhlal) rather faithully. Theserules which affect the entier islamic society do also affect the doctrine of prperty and particulary doctrine of right by limiting its goals and objectives to the notion of the succession of man on earth. Such a general philisophy yields certains effects on property. These effects appear in the form of contraints on that wich can be the object of property, or on the use thereof they also appears in the form of certain obligations which tned to limit thereof they also appears in the form of certain obligations which tend to limit freedom of action of the owner. They finally appear in the form of certain functions property has to perform either with regard to the owner, "personnal
Abstract FR:
La propriete dans la pensee juridique de l'islam individualiste ou socialiste ? il s'agit de la philosophie de la propriete dans la pensee juridique nmusulmane sous l'eclairage de la pensee individualiste et socialiste. Ceci afin de determiner la nature de la propriete telle que concue dans le droit musulman. Apres avoir etudie son fondement theologique et philosophique ainsi que les particularites de l'ideologie musulmane concernant l'usage des biens et l'activite economique en general on constate que cette propriete se base sur la notion de la lieutenance "el-islikhlaf". En vertu de cette notion, les differents droits, y compris le droit de propriete, constituent des dons de dieu que l'homme, le lieutenant, devra utiliser pour remplir sa mission sur terre. Le bien ne revient pas en exclustivite a son proprietaire, il doit remplir diverses fonctions.