
L'occupation française de Malte : 1798-1800 : un essai manqué d'acclimatation des institutions révolutionnaires

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1993





Abstract EN:

On june 12th 1798, bonaparte on his way to egypt, seized malta, thereby putting an end to three centuries of domination of the country by the order of saint john of jerusalem. Very quickly, bonaparte organized the future institutions of the island. Through his orders, he introduced into malta the principles of the french revolution and he instructed the new government to secularize part of the church's property and so to assume responsability for education and social aid. These secularization measures, insufficient financial ressources for a programm which was simply too big and the brutal implementation of the reforms, together with other measures affecting the material interests of the inhabitants, all led the population to rise up in protest. Having withdrawn into the city of malta, the french had to withstand a difficult siege and were confronted with a land blockade and then a sea blockade when a portuguese squadron arrived, which was soon replaced by the english fleet. Completely cut off from france and therefore left to themselves, the town's rulers had to adapt their policy to everyday problems - which led them to take many unpopular easures that were however necessary to cope with the crisis resulting from the blockade - while now sparing the religious feelings of the town's population.

Abstract FR:

Le 12 juin 1798 bonaparte sur le chemin de l'egypte, s'empare de malte, mettant fin a pres de trois siecles de domination du pays par l'ordre de saint jean de jerusalem. Tres rapidement, bonaparte organise les futures institutions de l'ile. Par ses ordres, il introduit a malte les principes de la revolution francaise et charge le nouveau gouvernement de seculariser une partie des biens ecclesiastiques et donc de prendre en charge l'enseignement et l'assistance. Ces mesures de secularisation, l'insuffisance de moyens financiers pour un trop vaste programme, la mise en oeuvre trop brutale des reformes, ajoutees a d'autres mesures touchant aux interets materiels des habitants, amenent la population a se soulever. Replies dans la ville de malte, les francais vont soutenir un siege difficile et affronter un blocus terrestre - qui devient aussi maritime avec l'arrivee d'une escadre portugaise, bientot remplacee par la flotte anglaise. Completement isoles de la france et donc livres a eux-memes, les dirigeants de la ville vont devoir adapter leur politique aux difficultes quotidiennes - ce qui les amene a prendre de nombreuses mesures impopulaires mais necessaires pour faire face a la crise liee au blocus - tout en menageant desormais les sentiments religieux de la population citadine.