
Garde à vue et libertés fondamentales en droit français et canadien

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1994



Montpellier 1



Abstract EN:

This study of police detention and fundamental freedoms in french and canadian law demonstrates clearly the difficulty that exists in obtaining a proper equilibrium between the powers of the police and the fundamental rights of an accused person in a democratic state. Inherent to the aims and role of the police, such detention will provide the investigating officer the opportunity to confront and interrogate an accused during a milited time period. However, presumed innocent, every individual must be treated humanely and advised of his her rights in order that he she may begin the preparation of a defence. Unfortunately, legal texts and police and judicial practice in france have failed to ensure an effective protection of fundamental rights and freedoms. On the other hand, the canadian charter of rights and freedoms, as well as the rule of confessions at common law, have upheld and solidified these rights in the canadian society but at times to the detriment of the search for truth.

Abstract FR:

L'etude de la garde a vue et des libertes fondamentales en droit francais et canadien illustre toute la difficulte qui preside a l'obtention d'un juste equilibre entre les pouvoirs de police judiciaire et les droits fondamentaux du justiciable dans une democratie. Inherente a la mission de police judiciaire, la garde a vue va permettre a l'enqueteur, pendant un court delai, de confondre le suspect au moyen d'un interrogatoire. Mais presume innocent, tout individu doit etre traite avec humanite et averti de ses droits afin de pouvoir organiser sa defense des la mise en etat des affaires penales. Malheureusement en france, les textes et la pratique policiere et judiciaire n'assurent pas une protection efficace des droits et libertes fondamentaux. Au contraire, la chartre canadienne des droits et libertes et la regle des confessions en common law permettent le maintien des garanties fermes parfois meme au detriment de la recherche de la verite.