
La complicité devant les juridictions criminelles de 1791 à 1810 : L'exemple du Nord

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1999



Lille 2



Abstract EN:

The interest of this new study lies in noting that the revolutionary law-maker, taken in a swire of new ideas and urged by the necessity to rebuild the penal system juridically, was unable or unwilling to study "aiding and abbeting" in all its complexity. Consequently, it is a question of seeing how, without any practical definition, criminal jurisdiction could solve "aiding and abbeting" cases. Choosing to enframe the idea within a few generic categories, such as "instigating", "giving means", "assisting a criminal" and receiving and concealing, in order to simplify things, law-makers ignored the multiplicity of practical hypothesis of "aiding and abbeting". Each of the categories gave the judges a large area to go through, with no idea of its limits and without any doctrine. Only the bills of indictments, the questions laid to the trial jury and the latter's answers give us some information about the progression of criminal courts that were forced to solve the specific cases laid to them. Between 1792 and 1810, the supreme court of appeal guided the steps of the criminal courts, encouraging appeals by reducing the formalities as far as possible. Our study consist in examining all the cases related to "aiding and abbeting", thus revealing to what extent judges were obliged to proceed by trial and error, taking each case as it were separately, so as to leed to coherent solutions. As for the punishment given to thes accomplices, the abberations of an odious penalty system, combining the absolute principles of borrowed crime and fixed punishment, very remote from the revolutionary penalty philosophy, revealed the ambiguity of the law-makers. Legal exceptions and the multiplicity of questions connected with the defendants allowed the juges to avoid a repression which could be exaggerated against people whose part was only minor in the committing of the offense.

Abstract FR:

L'interet de ce sujet inedit est de constater que le legislateur revolutionnaire, pris dans un tourbillon d'idees nouvelles et presse par la necessite d'une reconstruction juridique de la matiere penale, n'a pu ou n'a pas voulu etudier la complicite dans tous ses meandres. Des lors, il s'agit de voir comment, en l'absence de definition pratique, les juridictions criminelles ont pu resoudre les questions de complicite. En choisissant d'encadrer la notion dans quelques categories generiques, la provocation, la procuration de moyens, l'aide et l'assistance et le recel, le legislateur, dans un souci de simplification, a ignore la multiplicite des hypotheses pratiques de complicite. Chacune de ces categories ouvre un vaste domaine que les juges vont devoir parcourir, en l'absence de doctrine, sans en connaitre les frontieres. Les actes d'accusation, les questions posees au jury de jugement et leurs reponses, seuls, nous eclairent sur la progression du tribunal criminel, contraint a resoudre les cas d'especes qui lui sont soumis. De 1792 a 1810, la haute juridiction guide la demarche du tribunal criminel, favorisant les pourvois, en reduisant au possible les formalites des requerants. Notre etude consiste a examiner toutes les affaires relatives a la complicite, les faits analyses devoilant a quel point les juges ont du proceder par voie de tatonnement, presque au cas par cas, pour aboutir a des solutions coherentes. Quant aux sanctions infligees aux complices, les aberrations d'un systeme penal odieux, qui combine le principe absolu de l'emprunt de criminalite avec celui de la fixite des peines, bien loin de la philosophie penale revolutionnaire qui se voulait empreinte d'humanite, caracterisent l'ambiguite du legislateur. Les exceptions legales et la multiplication des questions relatives aux accuses permettent aux juges d'ecarter une repression parfois excessive a l'egard d'individus dont le role n'est qu'accessoire dans la commission de