La notion de terrain à bâtir
Paris 2Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
This principle is the result of two different approachs, apparently contradictory, but nevertheless depending upon one another. On the one hand there is the objective or legal approach towards developing a site, emphasizing the more material aspects i. E. The urban amenities and the aera's building or developing capacities. On the other hand the subjective or fiscal approach refers to the building intentions proposed by the holder or owner of the site. Both of these approachs have undergone some modifications allowing more flexibility. Considering the former stipulated objective criteria which must comply with the needs and motives of the local public authorities policies, being responsable for having established them. In the same way, the subjective taxation which depends upon certain tangible elements e. G. The surface aera or the value of the site. Therefore, one can define a building site or land, as a plot of land upon which one can construct one or several buildings, what ever their use or final designation; being that the land complies with the necessary natural or physical conditions (the type of ground and soil underground, the lie of the land, the amenities. . . ) judicial conditions (with reference to the documents on urban development, or in contrast, concerning the rural restrictions code), general expenditure and or fiscal taxation conditions. Considering these elements, the holder of the construction permit must present his project taking into full consideration the regulations for urban development defined under the articles l. 110 and l. 300-1 in the code for urban planning and with respect for the rights of all other parties.
Abstract FR:
Cette notion resulte de deux approches qui, bien qu'apparemment contradictoires, se completent et ne peuvent agir l'une sans l'autre. Il s'agit d'une part de l'approche objective ou juridique du terrain a batir, mettant l'accent sur des elements materiels tels que l'equipement de la parcelle et la constructibilite de la zone et d'autre part, de l'approche subjective ou fiscale, se reportant a l'intention de construire du detenteur de la parcelle. Neanmoins, chacune des approches connait une inflexion. En effet, les criteres objectifs doivent repondre aux mobiles des pouvoirs publics qui les instaurent. De meme, la subjectivite fiscale depend-t-elle de la materialite de certains elements de la definition (cf superficie ou valeur de la parcelle). Ainsi, peut-on qualifier de terrain a batir, la parcelle capable de recevoir une ou plusieurs constructions, quelles que soient leur nature et leur destination, parce que le terrain remplit des conditions physiques (nature du sol et du sous-sol, configuration, equipements. . . ), juridiques (eu egard aux documents d'urbanisme et a contrario, pour le droit rural), financieres et ou fiscales. Observation etant faite que le detenteur du droit de construire doit presenter un projet qui s'integre aux considerations d'urbanisme definies aux articles l. 110 et l. 300-1 du code de l'urbanisme et respecte le droit des tiers.