Les congregations religieuses : droit canonique et droit francais
Paris 11Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
If the french civil system of the congregatioins (1901) has ceased to be a regime of strangulation to become since 1942 a system of great ability though a legal acknowlegment by the state was maintained, the denial at the conseil d'etat of the free declaration of the congregations has remained. The thesis wants to explain why the religious congregations in 1992 are still deprived of the civil associative common right. The very institutionalized character of the congregational collectivities a fortiori those of the catholic cult - remains in 1992 the predominant reason of this deficit as far as associative freedom and religious freedom in france are concerned. The thesis makes a difference betwenn the declared congregation and the declared association of congreganists. The legal acknowledgment, provided for the congregations, has not been yet received by the holy see, as this latter sticks to its doctrine of the innate right and has always been rather interested in the attempts of solving the congreganist problems starting with the hypothesis of the notion of declared congregation. The thesis relates since the origins the latin catholic canonical law of the "consacrated life" and initiates a study of the noncatholic congregations.
Abstract FR:
Si le regime civil francais des congregations (1901) a cesse d'etre un regime d'asphyxie pour devenir des 1942 un regime de grande capacite moyennant la subsistance d'une reconnaissance legale octroyee par l'etat, le refus au conseil d'etat de la libre declaration des congregations s'est maintenu. La these veut expliquer pourquoi les congregations religieuses en 1992 son encore privees du droit commun associatif civil. Le caractere tres institutionnalise des collectivites congreganistes a fortiori celles du culte catholique - reste en 1992 la raison predominante de ce deficit en matiere de liberte associative et de liberte de religion en france. La these distingue entre la congregation declaree et l'association declaree de congreganistes. La reconnaissance legale, prevue pour les congregations, n'a toujours pas ete recue par le saint-siege, etant donne que ce dernier est attache a sa doctrine du droit inne et qu'il s'est toujours plutot interesse aux tentatives de reglement du dossier congreganiste a partir de l'hypothese de la notion de congregation declaree. La these relate depuis les rogines le droit canonique catholique latin de la "vie consacree" et amorce une etude des congregations non catholiques.