Un clerge parallele. Une etude sociojuridique de l'activite des laics dans l'eglise en france et aux pays-bas
Université Marc Bloch (Strasbourg) (1971-2008)Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The dissertation presents the research about laypersons in the roman catholic church who are employed as professional pastoral workers in france and in the netherlands. The empirical approach reveals another reality than the traditional publications are used to do so in this area. After a presentation of the research method and instruments, the dissertation describes the social juridical context of the two countries. The two different regimes of relations of state and religious institutions and the national history of religion caused distinct realities. After a short description of papal law, the french and dutch regulations are analysed. This analysis is based upon documents gathered in the dicoeses (95 in france, 7 in the netherlands). This juridical analysis is completed by the explanation of the answers of a questionnaire distributed among 886 laypersons. The answers reveal the juridical praxis as far as the employment of laypersons by ecclesiastical and non ecclesiastical institutions is concerned. The results of this unique research demonstrate that the evolution of this employment has led to the development of a new category of ministers. The conclusions emphasize the differences between the two countries, the importance of civil law even in ecclesiastical matters. In the end the author proposes the integration of these laypersons among the ministers of the roman catholic church, that is to say among clerics.
Abstract FR:
La these presente la recherche des personnes laiques dans l'eglise catholique romaine qui sont engages professionnellemnet en pastorale en france et aux pays-bas. L'approche empire decouvre une autre realite que presentent les publications traditionnelles dans le domaine. Apres une presentation de la methode et des instrumesnts de la recherche, la these decrit le contexte socio-juridique dans les deux pays. Les regimes differents des rapports etat - institutions religieuses et l'histoire nationales causent des realites distinctes. Apres une courte description du droit pontifical, les statuts francais et neerlandais sont analyses a travers des documents rassembles dans les dioceses (95 en france, 7 aux pays-bas). Cette information juridique est completee de l'exloitation des reponses a un questionnaire distribue parmi 886 laics. Leurs reponses devoilent la pratique juridique en ce qui concerne l'embauche des laics par les institutions ecclesiastiques et non-ecclesiastiques. Les resultats de cette enquete inedite montrent que l'evolution de cet engagement a cause le developpement d'un nouvelle categorie des cadres. Les conclusions soulignent les differences entre les pays, l'importance du droit civil meme dans les affaires ecclesiastiques. Enfinl'auteur propose l'insertion des laics dans le cadre de l'eglise catholique romaine, c'est-a-dire le clerge.