
Les investissements directs américains en France,sous forme d'établissement stable : régime juridique et fiscal

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1987



Paris 2

Abstract EN:

Direct american investments in france, even of slight importance, are generally undertaken in the form of a "permanent establishment", as such term is used in the franco-american tax convention of july 28, 1967. The definition of a "permanent establishment" in the convention is similar to that of the french national law. A non-resident american will not be taxable in france if he does not have a permanent establishment in france. A branch ("une succursale") is the most common form of a "permanent establishment", which presents various legal and tax inconveniences in practice, compared to a subsidiary. A french partnership should be opted for in the case of a mid-size investment and where there are reasons to hesitable between chosing a subsidiary and a branch for operations in france.

Abstract FR:

Les investissements directs americains de moindre importance se font, en france, generalement sous forme d'etablissement stable au sens de la convention fiscale franco americaine du 28 juillet 1967. La definition de l'etablissement stable de la convention est proche de celle du droit interne francais. Un non-resident americain ne sera pas imposable en france s'il n'y possede pas un etablissement stable. La succursale (branch) est la forme la plus usitee d'etablissement stable. Elle presente des inconvenients pratiques, juridiques et fiscaux par rapport a la filiale. La societe en nom collectif devra lui etre prefere, pour un investissement de moyenne importance, chaque fois que l'on hesitera pour s'implanter en france entre une filiale et une succursale.