La "dénationalisation" de l'arbitrage commercial international
Paris 2Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The institution of free enterprise as a paradigm of the liberty now granted to the actors of international economy imparts to them a normative liberty of a so far unheard of importance. As an epiphenomenon of the denationalization of arbitration, the refusal of judicial litigation allows them to justify their rejection of the concept of for. Thus, the idea which prevails in the first part is to show that as it is now freed from any allegiance to national laws, arbitration is totally governed by rules which have been freely worked out by the litigants and the arbitrators. The normative power of the litigants allows them to determine the law of the procedure and the substance of the suit. They manage it either by crystallizing a law of national origin or by opting for the direct application of anational norms (title i). Vested with the power to give a verdict either as judges or as conciliators, the arbitrators whose power derives from the litigants gain an independence which leads them to take their distances from the aegis of national laws (title ii). In the second part, the direct and indirect effects entailed by denationalization provide a phenomenological illustration of this phenomenon. The former show that the lex mercatoria is automatically applied by arbitral jurisprudence. Whereas it was formerly hostile to the very concept of lex mercatoria, state jurisprudence, by the way it now welcomes it, makes it official (title i). The latter entail two observations : the old debate concerning the accession of the lex mercatoria to juridicity has now come to an end and the status of internal arbitration has been dissociated from that of international arbitration. As it has been enhanced, the specificity of the latter sanctions the global quality of the structures through, for instance, the breaking-up of the technical structures of the icc all around the world and the universality of the juridical techniques due to the growing adherence of the states to the big international instruments (title ii). As a conclusion, we pleaded for the comparative method to be adopted in principle so as to enable the quest for a notion of "justice" more adapted to the specificity of the relations entailed by international trade which is instrumentalized by "denationalized" arbitration.
Abstract FR:
L'instauration de la libre entreprise comme paradigme de la liberte reconnue aux acteurs de l'economie internationale aujourd'hui confere a ceux-ci une liberte normative d'une importance toute nouvelle. Epiphenomene de la denationalisation de l'arbitrage, le refus de la litigation judiciaire justifie, de leur part, le rejet du concept de for. L'idee, qui preside ainsi a la premiere partie, montre que, desormais affranchi de toute allegeance de droits nationaux, l'arbitrage se voit pleinement gouverne par des regles librement elaborees par parties et arbitres. Le pouvoir normatif des parties leur permet de determiner le droit de la procedure et du fond du litige. Elles y parviennent soit en cristallisant un droit d'origine nationale soit en optant pour une application directe de normes anationales (titre i). Investis du pouvoir de statuer en droit ou en amiable compositeur, les arbitres dont le pouvoir procede des parties, acquierent une independance d'attitude qui les pousse a se demarquer de l'emprise des droits nationaux (titre ii). Dans la deuxieme partie, les effets directs et indirects qu'induisent la denationalisation en donnent une illustration phenomenologique. Les premiers rendent compte de l'applicabilite d'office de la lex mercatoria par la jurisprudence arbitrale. Jadis, hostile au concept meme de lex mercatoria, la reception qu'en fait la jurisprudence etatique l'officialise implicitement (titre i). Les seconds donnent lieu a deux constats : la cloture du vieux debat de l'accession de la lex mercatoria a la juridicite et la dissociation du statut de l'arbitrage interne de celui de l'arbitrage international. Renforcee, la specificite de ce dernier consacre l'universalisme des structures du fait, par exemple, de l'eclatement des structures techniques de la cci a travers le globe et l'universalisme des techniques juridiques du fait de l'adhesion croissante des etats aux instruments internationaux (titre ii). En conclusion, nous avons plaide pour que, dans la recherche de "justice" mieux adaptee a la specificite des rapports du commerce international qu'instrumentalise l'arbitrage "denationalise", soit, par principe, adoptee la methode comparative.