
Le télé-achat et le droit des contrats

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1996



Paris 2


Abstract EN:

This thesis presents a study of the characteristic features of teleshopping contracts. After a definition of teleshopping has been proposed (sales, services, and furniture rental offers, all broadcast on television, radio or teletext, and accepted on the telephone, videotext or by mail), and once the purely audiovisual aspects of the subject have been tackled, the analysis focuses on two major themes. The specific nature of teleshopping contracts formation is examined first (multiple potential offerors, ephemeral offers, impulsive agreement, meeting of the contractual wills). Then the characteristics that appear in those contracts execution are analysed : right to return the products, third persons' interventions in the fulfilment of delivery obligation, telepayment and evidence problems, recourses and liabilities proceeding from teleshopping contracts in french and european law. It comes out that teleshopping contractual transactions present real pecularities, that are in particular related to the media used. Thus, teleshopping contracts would appear to be a new kind of distance contracts. Yet, these pecularities are limited, for, on the whole, teleshopping contracts comply with the rules of french ordinary law, that proves to be flexible. Finally, some new legal rules applicable to teleshopping are proposed, so that these contractual operations become safer, since they are bound to multiply in france and europe : on the one hand, new contractual rules (the sending of a written document to conclude the contracts, financial protective solutions for the clients. . . ), and, on the other hand, audiovisual regulations (display of trademarks on teleshopping programs. . . ).

Abstract FR:

Cette etude est consacree a l'examen des aspects caracteristiques des contrats formes lors d'operations de tele-achat. Apres avoir propose une definition du tele-achat (offres de vente, de prestations de services ou de locations mobilieres diffusees par television, radio ou videographie diffusee, l'acceptation etant donnee par telematique interactive, telephone ou courrier) et ecarte les aspects purement audiovisuels du sujet, elle s'articule autour de deux axes. Sont d'une part etudiees les specificites rencontrees dans la formation des contrats de tele-achat (multiples offrants possibles, offre ephemere, acceptation par impulsion, analyse de la rencontre des volontes). Sont d'autre part examinees les originalites degagees dans l'execution de ces contrats : faculte de retour, intervention de tiers dans l'execution de l'obligation de delivrance, telepaiement et difficultes de preuve, recours et responsabilites en droit interne et europeen. Il en ressort que les operations contractuelles de tele-achat presentent des specificites reelles, liees en particulier aux medias utilises. Il s'agirait la d'une nouvelle variete de contrats a distance. Ces specificites restent neanmoins limitees : les contrats de tele-achat s'averent pour l'essentiel soumis aux regles de droit commun, qui fait preuve de souplesse. Afin de rendre plus sures ces operations contractuelles, appelees a se multiplier en france et en europe, des evolutions des regles juridiques applicables au tele-achat sont enfin proposees, sur le plan contractuel (envoi d'un ecrit, garantie financiere offerte aux clients. . . ) et audiovisuel (indication des marques a l'antenne. . . ).