Les interets des capitaux. Mention droit prive
Paris 11Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The purposes of this doctoral study consists in analysing the regulation of the interests yielded by capital, within civil ; and in the particular light of two fudamental decisions rendered by cassation court on the 9th of february and the 12th of april of 1988. By these two decisions, the highest jurisdiction reminds that a distinction is to be made necessarily between a stipulation of interest, which can be simply express, and a stipulation of interest rate, that must be written down. On another hand, analysis of the capitalisation of interests shall be considered over : this process, as prolided by in article 1154 of the civil code, refers to interest generated by the interests already fallen due, and not to a reintegation of these due interests to the capital in order to yield profit. Accordingly, a new analysis is needed of the mortgage security for the debt of interest, as well as of its extinguishment by prescriotion, prolided by in article 2277 of the civil code, applying to the lawsuit for payment of the debt of interest, in the case of a stipulation or a decision of capitalisation.
Abstract FR:
L'objet de l&etude doctorale est contitue par le regime juridique des interest de capitaux en droit prive, a la lumiere, notamment, de deux decisions fondamentales de la cour de cassation des 9 fevrier et 12 avril 1988. Pour ces deux arrets, la haute cour rappelle q'une inperative distinction est a effectuer entre stipulation d'interet, qui peut n'etre qu'expresse, et stipulation de taux d'interet, necessairement ecrite. Par ailleurs, l'analyse de l'anatocisme, ou capitalisation des interets, est reconsideree : cette operation, prevue a l'article 1154 du code civil, designe la production d'interets pour des interets deja echus, et non la reintegration, au capital frugifere, d'interets deja echus, en vue de la secretion d'interets supplementaires. Il en resulte une analyse nouvelle de la garantie hypothecaire de la creance d'interets, et de la prescription extinctive, prevue a l'article 2277 du code civil,applicable a l7action en paiement de la dette d'interets, en cas de stipulation ou decision d'anatocisme.