Le contrat international de construction
Paris 2Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
International contracts for the construction of building and civil engineering works are typically of great complexity, with respect both to the technical aspects of the construction and to the legal relationships between the parties. The purpose of this thesis is to provide an analysis of the structure of intmernational construction contracts based mainly on common business practice, arbitration awards and comparative law. The fidic conditions of contract have had the most pervasive influence on the formation of accepted contracting procedures used in international construction market. This thesis is arranged in three parts. Part one deals with legal aspects of construction work carried out under the regime of different legal systems. Part two discusses the complexity of construction operations in which intrernational construction industry is usually engaged. Part three deals with issues arising out of the international character of such operations, siuch as applicable law and settlement of disputes.
Abstract FR:
Cette these propose une analyse du contrat international de construction, effectuee sur la base de la pratique de ce contrat, telle qu'elle resulte essentiellement des contrats-types et des sentences arbitrales, ainsi que des sources des droits francais et compare. Les projets de construction qui donnent lieu a un appel d'offres international sont par hypothese importants et complexes. Les figures contractuelles qui les realisent sont tres variees. Cette these tente de les maitriser avant de repondre a la question de savoir s'il existe un regime unique du contrat en question. Elle y parvient en examinant, en trois parties respectives, les elements constitutifs du contrats: la construction, la complexite et l'internationalite. Elle ne manque pas, en outre, de poser un important probleme de methode: comment peut-on etudier le contrat international de construction sans se fonder sur un droit etatique determine ?