
L'action en revendication de propriété des brevets d'invention

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1991



Paris 2


Abstract EN:

The property of a patent belongs to the first applicant. However, the inventor can claim the patent as the result of his researchs. The claim of property action concerning patents is intended to give back the patent to the inventor once it had been taken away from him. The substraction could have been done in violation of a legal or a contractual obligation. The action concerns the patent application but it can be extended to the invention in case corresponding applications have been filed in foreign countries.

Abstract FR:

Le droit du brevet appartient au premier deposant. Le droit au brevet apparait des que l'inventeur a concu l'invention. L'action en revendication est destinee a restituer le brevet d'invention a l'inventeur lorsque le deposant lui a soustrait l'invention. Cette soustraction a pu etre faite soit en violation d'une obligation legale ou conventionnelle. L'action concerne le titre mais peut etre etendue a l'invention lorsque des depots de demandes ont ete presentes dans des pays etrangers.