
La transmission hereditaire des actions en justice

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1989



Paris 12


Abstract EN:

The absence of a judicial doctrine concerning procedurings commeced or continued by or against heirs acting in their rule as successors to the decedent has given rise to the research of a general theory governing judicial actions following the death of a party, whither such actions arise in the party's capacity as creditor or debitor. The theory presents, first, the criteria relative to the transfer of judicial proceedurings existing for the benefit of the decebent as well as those existing for the charge of the decedent and, second, the conditions under which such transforable actions may be asserted or defended under current law. In addition, it contains two proposals : - a revision of the current qualifying criteria and, as a resurt, the criteria applicable to the transferability of an action, replacing the traditional criteria related to the judicial nature of the right that is the basis for the action with criteria related to the judicial nature of the objective of the action. - the codification of the rules applicable to the assertor or defense of judicial actions transfered by interstance into a "hereditary procedural law", that is, "the law applicable to relationships betwen heirs of a decedent party and the surviving party".

Abstract FR:

L'absence du systeme juridique sur les procedures introduites ou continuees par ou contre des heritiers a suggere la recherche d'une theorie generale de l'action en justice au deces du titulaire, d'abord au deces du titulaire d'une action relative a un droit, ensuite, au deces de celui d'une action relative a une dette. Elle presente, d'une part, les criteres de la transmissibilite active et passive de l'action, puis les conditions d'exercice de l'action transmissible en droit positif, elle contient, d'autre part, deux propositions : - la revision du critere actuel de qualification et, par suite, de transmissibilite de l'action, en substituant au critere traditionnel lie a la nature juridique du droit preexistant a l'action, celui lie a la nature juridique de l'objet de l'action. - la systematisation des regles d'exercice d'une action hereditaire en un "droit judiciaire successoral", c'est a dire, le "droit regissant les rapports entre les heritiers d'une partie decedee et la partie survivante".