
L'operation de construction en droit gabonais

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1995





Abstract EN:

The object of this thesis is study rules and juridical institutions concerning constructions of buildings in gabon since 1960. The first part treat of rules applied to bases of building business, that is (to say) the site that will use for support of the buildings, at this control and at this utilisation for build. The second part devote to the organization and the realization, goes closely into the question which must be asked by the one who builds or will made build constructions. He is standing up, in this way, the status of constructors : properties developers, building companies, builders and contractors and research departements then the rules that governed their relations with the building owner and their responsability. In ideas expresses in this thesis, it appears that the basic points of institutions, rules and proceedings are laying into the place. Owing to difficulties that the practice will be reveal, these texts will carry on with modifications. For that, it's necessary to save time of the superfluous and imagine straight-forward mechanics. These rules and juridical institutions will be significant but not definitive.

Abstract FR:

Le but de cette these est d'etudier les regles et institutions juridiques relatives a l'edification de batiments au gabon depuis 1960. La premiere partie traite des regles qui s'appliquent aux bases de l'operation de construction, c'est-a-dire au terrain qui est appele a servir de support aux batiments, a sa maitrise et a son utilisation a des fins de construction. La seconde partie, consacree au montage et a la realisation, examine les questions qui se posent a celui qui, ayant resolu la question du terrain, edifie ou fait edifier des batiments, en releve ainsi le statut des constructeurs : promoteurs, societes de construction, entrepreneurs et bureaux d'etudes ainsi que les regles qui regissent leurs relations avec le maitre de l'ouvrage et leur responsabilite. Des idees qui ont traversees cette these, il apparait que l'essentiel des institutions, des regles et procedures sont mises en place. En raison des difficultes que la pratique devoilera, ces textes continueront a etre modifies. Pour cela, il est necessaire de faire l'economie du superflu et imaginer les mecanismes simples. Ces regles et institutions juridiques devraient etre relles et non formelles.