
Les conventions de garantie dans les cessions de droits sociaux

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1991



Montpellier 1


Abstract EN:

After an introduction showing the insufficiency of the protection conferred to the buyer of stock by the current statutory provisions, the thesis successively addresses the questions of the choice of the type of warranty and the issues relating to the content of representation and warranty provisions. Corporate, tax and legal issues that should be taken into account when drafting such provisions, are detailed. Contract lax issues relating to the scope of the warranty, to the beneficiary of the warranty and to the execution of such provisions are also dealt with. The conclusion presents the other sorts of transfer of equity which could give rise to representations and warranty provisions.

Abstract FR:

Apres une introduction mettant en lumiere l'insuffisance du regime de droit commun de protection du cessionnaire de droits sociaux, la these etudie successivement le choix entre les divers mecanismes de garantie (i partie) et la construction des mecanismes de garantie (ii partie). La premiere partie presente les facteurs fiscaux et juridiques a prendre en compte lors de la redaction d'une convention de garantie. La seconde partie, eclaire les techniques contractuelles utilisables dans le cadre de la construction de la convention de garantie tant en ce qui concerne la structure de la convention (les sujets de la garantie, l'objet de la garantie) que son execution, normale ou anormale.