
Le système de sécurité sociale en Tunisie au regard du système de Sécurité Sociale en France

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1995



Bordeaux 1


Abstract EN:

We are going to make a comparaison between the french health care system and the tunisian health care system so as to analyse the latter. The social legislationn in tunisia, influenced by the french legislation came into existence carly in tunisia under the protectorat regime. But once the country became independent, the tunisian system was unable to follow the breaking off between the two systems. However, this did not prevent the instauration of a cooperation between the two sytems. Indeed, the health care general convention signed by both countries in 1965, is a good means of cooperation. In spite of the economic crisis striking the two countries, the two systemes should keep this degree of cooperation and try to improve it if possible. The exemple of the french-european cooperation as far as social security is concerned is to be followed.

Abstract FR:

Notre objectif est d'analyser le systeme de securite sociale en tunisie en le comparant au systeme de securite sociale en france. La legislation sociale tunisienne influencee par le systeme francais. Est apparue tres tot sous le regime du protctorat. Mais apres l'independance, le systeme tunisien n'a pas pu suivre l'evolution rapide du systeme francais, d'ou la notion du decrochage des deux ssytemes. Toutefois, cela n'a pas empeche l'instauration d'une cooperation entre les deux systemes. En effet, la convention generale de securite sociale signee par les deux pays en 1965 constitute un bon moyen de cooperation. Malgre la crise economique qui touche les deux payx, les deux systemes doivent maintenir ce degre de cooperation et essayer de l'ameliorer si cela est possible. L'exemple de la cooperation franco-europeenne en matiere de securite sociale est un exemple a suivre.