
Dirigisme economique et integrite des contrats

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1991



Lille 2


Abstract EN:

The thesis goes through the different interventionist economic legislations of the french internal law (currency, prices, indexlenkings, credit, exchange regulation, competition) and the enforcement of the case laws, and shows therefore the evolution of the legal processes intended to annihilate the effects of the stipulations which ignore those legislations, either when they do away with contracts, or when they neutralize them, or when they regularize them.

Abstract FR:

La these examine les differentes legislations economiques dirigistes du droit francais interne (monnaie, prix, indexations, credit, changes, concurrence) ainsi que leurs jurisprudences d'application, et montre l'evolution des procedes juridiques destines a annihiler les effets des stipulations qui meconnaissent ces legislations, soit en les aneantissant, soit en les neutralisant, soit en les regulatisant.