Le portage d'actions
Paris 2Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The stock carrying agreement is a contract by virtue of which a person named the "carrier" accepts, upon request of the "order initiator", to become a shareholder by acquisition or subscription of stocks for the purpose of rendering a service; being clearly agreed upon that after a given delay, upsaid stocks will be transferred to a predesigned person at a predesigned price. Since it early appearence in business law, the stock carrying agreement has raised numerous problems, the most important of which being the following : as for its legal qualification, it seems that only the fiducia is capable of giving a clear image of the stock carrying agreement specific characteristics. But until the eventual promulgation of a law providing for the fiduciary institution, the carrying of stocks remains a sui generis agreement created by praticiens in order to answer an increasing demand for legal and financial services. As for the goals aimed to by the parties, it can be feared that since the stock carrying agreement enables the order initiator to avoid being a shareholder in the issuing company for a given length of time, it may be used to escape the provisions of a mandatory law, and therefore unvalidated by virtue of the maxim fraus omnia corrumpit. As finally for the company law field, it is important to know whether the carrier, who doesn't work towards any personal interest in the company and insists on being protected against any risk of loss, still fulfills both the affectio societatis and participation to the social risks conditions required in every partner or shareholder. The stock carrying agreement becoming more and more important in the world of business, it was therefore necessary to have it surveyed in depth in order to avoid any doubts about its legal status.
Abstract FR:
La convention de portage d'actions est un contrat en vertu duquel une personne appelee porteur accepte, sur demande du donneur d'ordre, de se rendre actionnaire par acquisition ou souscription d'actions afin de lui rendre service; etant expressement convenu qu'apres un certain delai, ces actions seront transferees a une personne designee et a un prix fixe des l'origine. Sa recente apparition en droit des affaires a pose de nombreux problemes dont les plus importantes sont les suivants: au plan de la qualification, seule la fiducie semble susceptible de rendre compte dans une large mesure de la specificite de la convention de portage. Mais dans l'attente d'une eventuelle promulgation du projet de loi instituant la fiducie, le portage demeure un contrat sui generis cree par les praticiens pour repondre a des demandes accrues de services juridiques et financiers. Au plan des objectifs poursuivis par les parties, il est a craindre que la convention de portage, en ce qu'elle autorise le donneur d'ordre a ne pas etre actionnaire dans la societe emettrice pendant une certaine periode, ne soit utilisee pour sortir du champ d'application d'une regle imperative et n'encourre l'annulation par application de la maxime fraus omnia corrumpit. Au niveau enfin du droit des societes, on s'est demande si le porteur, qui ne poursuit aucun interet personnel dans la societe et exige d'etre premuni contre les risques de pertes, remplissait les conditions d'affectio societatis et de participation aux risques sociaux requise pour tout associe. Or la convention de portage devenant de plus en plus indispensable dans le monde des affaires, il etait necessaire d'en faire une etude approfondie de maniere a lever toute equivoque quant a son regime juridique.