Le juge et la protection de l'intégrité physique du salarié
Lille 2Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The protection of the wage-earnear's integrity lies on two principal points, namely the redress of professional damages and the prevention of occupational hazards, given that punishment, as regards, is essentially based on prevention. The judge appears to the cardinal element of this system as fas as the redress of damages and establishing of the object wich can be made up for are concerned. In fact, as the legislation is not precise, the notion of occupational damage happens to be very stamped with the judge's authority notably through the probationary system, its effects on the substance but also the criteri on linhing damage with occupation. Derogatory redress concerning the contractual redress of occupational damage do not seem to be favoured by the judge. What prompt us to think of the protection ot the employer's interests. As far as hazard's prevention is concerned so much as regards to the powers imparted to him by legislation as the employer's penal liability he patiently managed to work out, the judge has authority to build up legal safety measures in the company. He is also responsible for the protection of the prerogatives held by different people taking part in the protection of the wageearner's physical integrity. Despide this important role of the judge as regards, his seisin proceedings are not always quick and simple. Besides, his relationships with the labour authority, administrative body acting for the wage-earner's protection prove to be imperfect.
Abstract FR:
La protection de l'integrite physique du salarie s'articule autour de deux points centraux a savoir la reparation du prejudice professionnel et la prevention des risques, etant entendu que la sanction penale en la matiere a essentiellement pour objet la prevention. Le juge apparait comme l'element cardinal de ce systeme en ce qu'il lui revient, s'agissant d'abord de la reparation de ces prejudices, de determiner l'objet reparable. En effet, dans l'imprecision des termes de la loi, le juge a imprime ses propres marques a la notion de prejudice professionnel notamment a travers le regime probatoire, ses incidences sur le fond, mais egalement le critere de rattachement du prejudice a la profession. Les regimes derogatoires de la reparation forfaitaire du prejudice professionnel semblent par ailleurs beneficier de peu de faveur du juge. Ce qui fait penser a une protection des interets de l'employeur. Relativement a la prevention des risques, tant au regard des pouvoirs que lui confere la loi que le regime de la responsabilite penale de l'employeur qu'il a su patiemment elaborer, le juge a vocation a reconstruire les conditions normales de securite dans l'entreprise. C'est a lui qu'incombe egalement la protection des prerogatives des differents acteurs intervenant dans la protection de l'integrite physique des salaries. Malgre cette place de choix du juge en la matiere, les procedures de sa saisine ne repondent pas toujours a la rapidite et a la simplicite necessaires. Ses rapports avec l'inspection du travail, organe administratif intervenant dans la protection des salaries, se revelent par ailleurs imparfaits.