La cession d'entreprise en difficulte en droit francais et en droit americain
Paris 2Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The aim of this thesis is to study the french and american systems with regard to the sale of corporations facing bankruptcy proceedings. The format which has been adopted is chronological. Indeed, it reviews all the main questions raised by the sale of a bankrupt entity as they come up in a real world context. Hence, the first part deals with the valuation of the corporation, preliminary step to any sale, the second part deals with the preparation of the sale, the third with the implementation of the sale. The fourth part relates to the different obligations flowing from the sale for the different parties and the fifth part deals with the possibility to modify a plan of reorganization once it has been adopted and which are the possible courses of action if one wants to challenge its validity. Eventually, the sixth part is oriented toward research regarding the legal nature of the sale of a corporation facing difficulties. Although it is worth noting that this question does not have the same level of importance in french and american law, it obviously remains crucial to the legal regime to be applied to the sale of a corporation facing bankruptcy proceedings.
Abstract FR:
L'objectif de cette these est d'etudier les solutions du droit francais et du droit americain en ce qui concerne la cession d'entreprise en difficulte. Son plan, chronologique, examine chacune des principales questions soulevees par la cession d'entreprise dans l'ordre dans lequel elles se presentent en pratique. La premiere partie est donc relative a l'evaluation de l'entreprise concernee, preliminaire indispensable a toute cession, la seconde a la preparation de l'operation de cession, la troisieme a la realisation de cette operation, la quatrieme aux obligations qui resultent de la cession pour chacune des parties et la cinquieme aux possibilites de modification d'un plan de cession apres son adoption et aux voies de recours qui demeurent disponibles afin de le constester. Enfin, une sixieme partie est consacree a l'etude de la nature juridique, en droit francais relativement imprecise, de la cession d'entreprise. Cette question, bien que ne revetant pas en droit americain la meme acuite qu'en droit francais, est importante car elle commande dans une large mesure le regime juridique applicable a la cession d'entreprise.