
La notion d'equite en droit international economique

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1991



Paris 5


Abstract EN:

Many references are made to the notion of equity : equitable power of the international tribunals, equitable share of the market, just and equitable share, equitable compensation etc. . . What is then the meaning and the scope of the notion? equity means the rule of law and is applied as such. It also constitutes a factor of equilibrium between the parties to a dispute, the quality of the rule of law applied. Finally equity is understood as a principle of justice in cases of silence of the positive contingent law. As a factor of equilibrium and progress, equity is plenteously referred to in the formulation of new legal norms with the task to promote economic development through the establishment of a new international economic order. Through the establishment of a new international economic order. 1) the correction of a prejudice ; 2) the quality of the rule applied in order to achieve an equitable solution, i. E. An unaberrant result ; 3) the taking into consideration of the economic capability of the parties to a dispute * as such the payment of an equitable compensation has been substituted to the demand of an integral compensation.

Abstract FR:

On releve maintes references faites a la notion d'equite : pouvoir equitable des tribunaux internationaux, par equitable du marche, partage juste et equitable, indemnisation equitable etc. . . Quelles sont la signification et la portee de la notion? l'equite s'identifie a la regle de droit et s'applique comme telle. Elle est aussi un facteur d'equilibre, la qualite du droit applique. Enfin elle est supposee constituer un principe de justice dans les cas ou le droit positif demeure silencieux. En tant que facteur d'equilibre et de progres, l'equite est abondamment evoquee dans la formulation de nouvelles normes juridiques susceptibles de promouvoir le developpement economique a travers l'instauration d'un nouvel ordre economique international. Comprise comme regle applicable, elle implique : 1) la correction d'un prejudice ; 2) la qualite du droit applique et l'aboutissement a un resultat equitable c'est-a-dire non aberrant ; 3) la prise en consideration de la capacite economique des parties au differend ; ainsi a l'exigence de l'indemnisation integrale s'est substituee la pratique de l'indemnisation equitable.