Notion et rôle de la résiliation en droit privé interne
Université Pierre Mendès France (Grenoble)Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The notion of cancellation is often used by lawyers but it has never been methodically studied. This thesis constitutes a first attempt at examining this notion. The main prupose of the thesis is to boing out and underlined the role of cancellation in the general theory of contracts and obligations. The central idea of the thesis, is that this notion always has the same characteristics, whenever it occurs in connection with law, it's a question of unity of field (in successive) contracts) and unity of effect (in the extinction of a contract for the future without retroactivity). On the other hand, however, the role can vary. When the cancellation is voluntary, that is to say unilateral or bilateral, it can either allow one of the parties to back out of a contract of unspecified duration, thus protecting individual liberty against perpetual commitment or it can allow both parties to terminate the contract by mutual consent, on the basis of their contractual freedom. Althrough these two instances of voluntary cancellation obey specific rules, it has been possible to boing them together, which has helped to distinguish them from similar notions, and to study their legal nature and system. When the cancellation is judicial, it enables to judge to terminate a successive contract for the future. It should be noted, in the context, that if judicial cancellation may sometimes be a substitude for judicial resolution of successive contracts, it should not constitude an efficient and acceptable remedy for the difficulties caused by the invalidation of such contracts.
Abstract FR:
La notion de resiliation est souvent utilisee par les juristes, mais elle n'a fait l'objet d'aucune etude methodique. Cette these constitue une premiere tentative sur cette notion. Elle vise essentiellement a la mettre en valeur et a souligner son role dans la theorie generale des contrats et des obligations. L'idee centrale de la these est que cette notion se presente toujours avec des traits communs quelles que soient ses manifestations juridiques : il s'agit de l'unite de champ (les contrats successifs) et de l'unite d'effet (l'extinction du contrat pour l'avenir sans retroactivite). En revanche, la role varie. Lorsque la resiliation est volontaire, c'est-a-dire unilaterale ou bilaterale, elle permet tantot a l'une des parties de se degager d'un contrat a duree indeterminee et de proteger par la la liberte individuelle contre l'engagement perpetuel, tantot aux deux parties de mettre fin au contrat d'un commun accord sur le fondement de leur liberte contractuelle. Bien qu'elles obeissent a des regles specifiques, ces deux manifestations de la resiliation volontaires ont pu etre rapprochees, ce qui a permis de les distinguer des notions voisines et d'en etudier la nature et le regime juridiques. Lorsque la resiliation est judiciaire, elle permet au juge de mettre fin a un contrat successif pour l'avenir. Il est a noter, dans ce cadre, que si la resiliation judiciaire peut parfois se substituer a la resolution judiciaire des contrats successifs, elle ne saurait constituer un remede efficace et acceptable aux difficultes que pose l'annulation de ce type de contrats.