L'expertise en assurance-construction
Abstract EN:
The experting in building insurance the litigations in the building insurance field lead frequently the courtyards and the insurance contractors to call experienced technicians. The first part of the thesis shows that expertise in building insurance has a double caracteristic: -first, it is divided between the self-sufficiency which ought to sustain the technical analysis of the desorders and the practice of the experting which leads to an interdependency of the expert attributions and those of who commissioned him to do it. -the second experting caracteristic results from the tightness of its aims: the usage of experting reports in order to prevent damages is very scarce and we can notice a shortage of usable datas and an insufficient update of the knowledge of these professionals. After this established facts the second part of the thesis presents the different ways of improvement in this field: -first of all the searching of good quality datas is easier by the use of the last improvements of data processing and for example the expert system. -then an important improvement of experts performances are also set up thanks to the implementation of a teaching system assisted by computer and also a better strategy of choice of this kind of professionals.
Abstract FR:
L'expertise en assurance-construction les litiges en matiere d'assurance-construction conduisent frequemment les tribunaux et les parties au contrat d'assurance a recourir a des techniques experimentes. La premiere partie de la these demontre que l'expertise-construction comporte une double caracteristique: -tout d'abord elle est ecartelee entre l'autonomie qui devrait accompagner l'analyse technique du desordre et la pratique de l'expertise qui conduit a une interpenetration des attributions de l'expert et de celui qui le designe. -la seconde caracteristique de l'expertise tient a l'etroitesse de ses finalites: l'exploitation des rapports d'expertise a des fins de prevention des sinistres est tres limitee et on constate une carence de l'information et de la formation des experts. Apres ce constat, la seconde partie de la these est consacree a des propositions destinees a ameliorer l'expertise en assuranceconstruction: -tout d'abord, la recherche de la qualite de l'information est favorisee par l'utilisation des derniers progres de l'informatique et notamment des systemes-experts. -ensuite, l'amelioration de la qualite des experts est egalement proposee grace a la mise au point d'un systeme d'enseignement assiste par ordinateur et a une politique de selection des techniciens.