La pratique contractuelle en pays de Buch durant la période intermédiaire d'après l'étude des actes de Maitre Verriere, notaire à Mios de l'an III à l'an XIV de la République
Bordeaux 1Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
This study is based mainly on the minutes of a notary : master verriere, settled in the bay of arcachon, which have been recently discovered. His charge concerned especially the towns ( mios, salle, biganos and so on. . . ) located in the east part ofd the bay, during a limited period from the year iii a. D to the year xiv a. D of the french revolutionary period. In the first part, this thesis deals with notarial deeds concerning the sources of obligation ( sales, exhanges, lesses, loans, proxies, companies, and so on. . . ) whereas the second part concerns the deeds such as authorization, agreements, compromise solutions, protestations, summons, notications, cancellations, minutes and so on. . . A prominent part is dedicated to the examination of the origin of the property ownership, to the land advertising, to the guarantees and securities, to the registration fees as well as the structure of the notarial deeds ( initial protocol purview, final protocol. )
Abstract FR:
Travail qui repose essentiellement sur les minutes decouvertes recemment d'un notaire du bassin d'arcachon, me verriere, qui exerca son ministere principal dans les communes de l'est du bassin (mios, salles, bigancs, etc. ) au cours d'une petriode limitee de l'an iii a l'an xiv de la periode revolutionnaire. Cette these se consacre dans une premiere partie aux actes notaries relatifs aux sources d'obligation (ventes, echanges, baux, prets, mandats, soci tes, etc. ) alors que la euxieme partie a pour objet les actes concernant la vie contractuelle (autorisations, accords, compromis, protestations, sommations, notifications, resiliations, roces-verbaux, etc. ). Place importante consacree a l'examen des origines de propriete, a la publicite fonciere et aux suretes, a la fiscalite a propos des formalites d'enregistrement, a la structuration des actes notaries (protocole initial, dispositif, protocole final. ).