
L'appropriation des créations de salarié

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1992



Montpellier 1


Abstract EN:

The appropriation of the intellectual creations of a wage-earner has never been the subject of any general legislation. Only the achievements, software programmes and inventions realized by a wageearner benefit from a specific regulation of appropriation. The production of a wage-earner is generally attributed to the latter through the lith of march 1957 act, only exceptionally to the employer in case of a collective achievement. Such unbalance may be levelled off by having recourse to the voluntary transfer of the achieved work. Imposed transfer, by way of signing a labour contract, remains impossible, such contract, neutral by nature, being neither attributable, nor transferable since it is resulting from the employee's labour duties to his employer. The inventions and software productions of employees are attributed to the employer when they are directly relevant to the duties of the employee, but to the employee himself when they are not directly relevant to them. A supplementary remuneration is due in the eventuality of invention pertaining to duty. Some inventions, alien to duty, are optionally attributable to the employer. The system must be improved thanks to a generalization of the extra-remuneration, to a re-definition of the categories of creation, as a result of a correct interpretation of the loyalty obligation of the wage-earner. Such system is based on some legislative fiction. Moreover, it must be reformed if one has to take into account the logic of neutrality of the labour contract regarding the achievement resulting from the labour of the wage-earner. The improved system must be generalized in contractual forms followed by legislative measures to any employee's industrial creations devoid of a specific appropriation regulation. The re-formed system ought to be generalized to all and any creation of an employee. It would ensure the balance between the different protagonists and the unification of solu

Abstract FR:

L'appropriation des creations intellectuelles de salarie ne fait l'objet d'aucune legislation d'ensemble. Seuls les oeuvres, les logiciels et les inventions realises par un salarie disposent d'un regime specifique d'appropriation. L'oeuvre de salarie est majoritairement attribuee a ce dernier par la loi du 11 mars 1957, exceptionnellement a l'employeur dans le cas d'une oeuvre collective. Ce desequilibre peut etre neutralise par le recours a la cession volontaire de l'oeuvre. La cession forcee, du seul fait de la conclusion du contrat de travail, demeure impossible, ce contrat, neutre par nature, n'etant ni attributif, ni translatif du resultat du travail du salarie a l'employeur. Les inventions et les logiciels de salarie sont attribues a l'employeur lorsqu'ils relevent des fonctions du salarie, a ce dernier quand ils leur sont etrangers. Une remuneration supplementaire est due en cas d'invention de fonction. Certaines inventions hors fonction sont optionnellement attribuables a l'employeur. Ce systeme doit etre ameliore grace a une generalisation de la remuneration supplementaire, a une redefinition des categories de creation, resultat d'une correcte interpretation de l'obligation de fidelite du salarie. Ce systeme repose sur une fiction legislative. Il peut etre, de plus, reforme compte tenu de la logique de neutralite du contrat de travail a l'egard du resultat du travail du salarie. Le systeme ameliore doit etre generalise par voie contractuelle puis legislative aux creations industrielles de salarie depourvues de regime specifique d'appropriation. Le systeme reforme peut etre generalise a toutes les creations de salarie. Il instituerait l'equilibre des interets en presence et l'unification des solutions. La reforme devra egalement prevoir la reduction du droit moral du salarie createur ainsi que le renforcement des actions civiles et penales visant a proteger l'exercice des droits patrimoniaux relatifs aux creations de salarie, afin de renforcer l'effectivite de ces droits.