
La responsailité civile en médecine libérale à l'hôpital public

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1994



Paris 2


Abstract EN:

Civil liability of liberal practitioners is the equivalent of contractual liability which is determined by the jurisdictions of the legal order; through his faults within the staff, the practitioner involves the administrative liability of the hospital which is itself determined by the jurisdictions of the administrative ordre. Hypothesis in mater of liberal practice in public are being developed, confronting the judges with problems of ability and appropriate statute law. Ansewers given by jurisprudence - not without difficulties for certain hypothesis apply themselves to give keys of assessment through causality. Once cleared, the jurisprudential system may look too clever, complex and unlevelling since jurisdictional ability settles the applicable law. So, on may wonder, whether uniying the jurisdictional ability and the root of law in matter of medical liability would be advisable.

Abstract FR:

La responsabilite civile du medecin liberal est une responsabilite contractuelle appreciee par les juridictions de l'ordre judiciaire ; l'hopital, le medecin engage par ses fautes de service la responsabilite administrative de l'etablissement, laquelle est appreciee par les juridictions de l'ordre administratif. Des hypotheses de medecine liberale a l'hopital public se developpent, confrontant les magistrats a des problemes de competence et de droit applicable. Les solutions donnees en jurisprudence - non sans difficultes dans certaines hypotheses - s'attachent a fournir des clefs de repartition au travers de la causalite. Le regime jurisprudentiel ainsi degage peut paraitre bien raffine, complexe et inegalitaire, puisque la comptence juridictionnelle determine le droit applicable. Aussi est-il permis de s'interroger sur l'opportunite d'unifier la competence juridicitionnelle et le fond du droit en matiere de responsabilite medicale.