Le rôle de la CNUCED dans la coopération internationale
Montpellier 1Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The u. N. C. T. A. D. Has recommended to the united nations general assembly that it adopt, at its nineteenth session, (there solution 1985) the following provisions, inter alia : a) the present united nations conference on trade and development should be established as an organ of the general assembly to be convened at intervals of not more than three years and with a membership comprising those states which are members of the united nations, the specialized agencies, or the international atomic energy agency. B) the principal functions of the conference shall be : 1 - to promote international trade, especially withe a view to accele- rating economic development, particularly trade between countries at different stages of development, between developing countries and between countries with different systems of economic and social orga- nization, taking into account the functions performed by existing international organizations; 2 - to formulate principles and policies on international trade and related problems of economic development; 3 - to make proposals for putting the said principles and policies into effect and to take such other steps within its competence as may be relevant to this end, having regard to differences in economic systems and stages of development; 4 - generally, to review and facilitate the coordination of activities of other institutions within the united nations system in the field of international trade and related pro- blems of economic development, and in this regard to co-operate with the general assembly and the economic and social council in respect to the performance of their charter responsibilities for co-ordination; 5 - to initiate action, where appropriate, in cooperation with the competent organs of the united nations for the negotiation and adop- tion of multilateral legal instruments in the field of trade, with due regard to the adequacy of existing organs of negociation and without duplication of their activities.
Abstract FR:
Le commerce constitue pour les pays du tiers monde un instrument irremplacable pour leur developpement economique et social. C'est la raison pour laquelle l'assemblee generale des nations unies crea, en 1964, la conference des nations unies pour le commerce et le developpement (c. N. U. C. E. D. ). Deux parties composent cette recherche. La premiere est consacree au contexte historique et juridique de la mise en place de l'organisation. Ce qui suppose l'etude de sa fondation, de son evolution et de ses moyens d'action. La deuxieme partie a pour contenu le role de la c. N. U. C. E. D. Sur la scene internationale. Ce role a ete - et demeure - l'un des plus importants dans la mesure ou l'organisation oeuvre, depuis sa creation, a la transformation pro- fonde de toutes les relations economiques internationales. A cet egard, il existe une idee de continuite dans la volonte de l'organi- sation de codifier les principes devant regir les relations en ques- tion. Cette volonte se concretisa par l'adoption de la charte des droits et devoirs economiques des etats. Quoi qu'il en soit, si la c. N. U. C. E. D. A enregistre de nombreuses realisations dans son action, elle a montre en meme temps ses limites. D'ou la necessite d'une organisation internationale du commerce. Mais celle-ci n'a de sens que si elle favorise l'instauration d'un nouvel ordre economique international (n. O. E. I). En somme, il s'agit de construire une orga- nisation mondiale de troisieme generation.